This Saturday I attended the Obama rally held in St. Louis and man was it a sight. First of all I've never seen so many people in one place. Usually I avoid crowed places like the plague, but this was different I had to be there. This was history in the making and I wanted to witness it with my own eyes.
St. Louis is one of they most racially segregated cites in the United States. There has always been a black side of town and a white side of town. Of course there are sections that are mixed but even those mixed sections only have a small number of black families. Well it seemed that racism and other issues were placed on the side lines at the Obama rally.
It felt like post 911. You know that we are all American feelings people had during that time. Yeah it was totally that vibe going on. Which I can understand because everyone is feeling the pinch in this economy, regardless of race, creed or color.
What surprised me was they said a prayer before the rally began. I did not think they would interject prayer into the rally but they did. I was just praying that nothing negative popped off at the rally. Can you believe it was 100,000 people at the rally! Man there was soooo many entre-po-negros at the rally. People were selling bootleg t-shirts left and right, heck I was telling my friend we missed out on a money making opportunity.
All in all I really enjoyed myself and was very happy to see so many people from different back grounds. Everybody from the thug to the senior citizens came out to represent at the rally. Y'all already know that Obama got my vote, just make sure you vote on Nov 4th.
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