12:14 PM (CST)
The memorial service starts and Smokie Robinson speaks. Smokie is speaking on behalf on Nelson Mandela. Nelson sends his condolences. What is weird is that it is very quiet in the stadium. All those people and they are so quite almost on edge.
12:21 PM
The are having audio problems and are making repairs and there are no speakers at this time.
12:25 PM
Still waiting... Now they are saying the family just walked in and people are speculating that the audio is fine, but they were waiting for the family come in. Man this is going to a circus... but it will be the closure that people need to realize the MJ is gone
They just brought out the golden casket holding the body of MJ. There is a black choir singing " We are going to see the King". If you are black and evar went to church you are familar with that song. The casket makes it real for me.
Lucious Smith Says MJ just wanted to give love to the world and to heal the world. I’m guessing this man must be a friend of the family or one of the Jackson’s personal pastor. But I have to agree with what he is saying.
Mariah Care looks for a change she is singing that I will be there. They sound awright but not that great. Of course MC is hitting all those damn high notes. Singing with her eyes closed like she really jamming.
Oh shit I hit the wrong button on my computer and lost connection
Queen La is reading a poem from Mya Angelo. She is just speaking about missing MJ and how he was a gift and how the creator gave MJ as a gift. She mentions MJ had passion, compassion, humor and style. MJ gave all that he had be given. The world is missing MJ
OH LAWD……Lionel Richie is singe Jesus is Love. This song always gets me going. I will be floored if they find Howard Hewit to sing Amen. I will be laying on the floor slained in the spirit. Lionel sound a bit off but he will do.
Now they got Barry Gordy up there giving MJ prayers. He says MJ was like a son to him. Really……. Barry screwed the Jackson’s over and would you do that to a son? Whatever! Barry says that as a child MJ sang Smokie’s song better than Smokie. Barry gave a very scripted speech but it sounded heartfelt. Barry said he feels that MJ is the greatest entertainer that ever lived. That may cause some contreversy but he up there with the best, and for me he is one of the best!
They are showing some footage of MJ and I remember mostly all of them. Me and my Aunt was watching the video for I’m Bad did yall know that Westly Snipes was in that video! That it was directed by Martin Scorsese.. this man made the Goodfellows, Casino Cape Fear, Gangs of New York, The Departed and many more
Stevie Wonder is really breaking my co-workers heart she is about to cry. Stevie sang I never thought you would leave in summer ( I think that is what it’s called). The song is so appropriate. Now singing is sanging. Mariah and Lionel need to take note. Damn I’m about to cry too! They are showing the reactions of people across the world and they are crying and looking extremely sad. Co worker had to excuse herself cause she was about to cry.
CNN is freezing up and messing with the damn audio. They betta get it together NOW. I just noticed all MJ brothers have on black suits with yellow ties and yellow roses on their lapel
Why the hell are Magic Johnson and Kobe Bryant up on stage? They just some space fillers. Did yall know that MJ is in Guinness World Records record as the number one philanthropist for popstars?
Look and J Hud. She pregnant as all get out. She sounds pretty good she need to go all the way there. She can take us all to church.
They done let Al Sharpton get on the stage. Jesus take the wheel! Al is losing weight aint he. Al is saying that MJ was the first one to get on MTV making it easier other black entertainers to get on MTV. He said MJ made it easier for people (white people) to accept seeing blacks on the TV screen and the magazines. Al said Obama wrote the Jacksons a letter!
OHHHHHH Man Al told the kids that their daddy was not strange… what he had to deal with was strange. Al was speaking the truth. The Jacksons did make it easier to integrate, MJ did cross over like no other before his time. Al you betta speak the truth!
Sorry I went MIA I had to do some work!
Is that Jermaine up there singing? Damn he don’t sound too bad. Shit he sound better than Lionel Richie! I wonder if that is MJ original glove that he has on? He better not have an album coming out cause Imma be pissed if I find out that he trying to launch his career at his brother funeral
The King kids are up there speaking. Man those people look just like their daddy.
Sheila Jackson Lee up there now. I’m not sure what her significance to MJ. Oh okay she just said they are introducing a bill that will declare MJ as an American icon. I did not know they did that, you learn something new everyday
Did Ursher just make up this song "Gone to Soon". I've never heard it before and it just sound like something he made up in the dressing room right before he was told it was his turn to get on stage. Publicity Whore!
Who is that little boy!
It's winding down and a bunch of no name singers are singing we are the world. Now all the other celebrities are on the stage singing we are world.
Now all his brothers are on the stage thanking people for coming out. Naw that aint the orginal glove they all have on gloves. Marlon on stage trying to hold it together and he is trying to hold it together. He said his brother endured so much and that maybe now they would leave him alone
I wonder if his body is truely in that coffin. I bet it's not in the there that would not be a good idea. The Staples Center is packed! MJ little girl says her daddy has been the best dad you could ever imagine and that she loved him so much. Now that was tear jerker. That girl has courage... she wanted to world to know regardless of what they thought about her dad he was the best to her.
Now they just have the spotlight shining on the mike and its almost like he is standing there.
The pastor is back on stage.
Anyway I am glad all the hoop la is over. Hopefully they won't follow the body and give the family all type of grief.
My first love is gone, may he rest in peace. BTW yesterday when I was at Family Dollar I saw a lady selling MJ shirts. Look like she just took some t-shirts and got MJ pics put on them. Sista getting her hustle on.
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