For many years I suffered with painful cramps, sever bleeding and large clots. Most of the time I did my best to ignore the pain. However, after soaking pads and tampons in record time I knew something was wrong.
In 2004 I changed to a male gynecologist. Dr Thomas was well into his sixties but seemed to listen and give great advice. When I told him that I experienced severe bleeding and cramps during my menstrual cycle he recommended a vaginal ultrasound. The ultrasound revealed fibroids and lots of scar tissue. Dr. Thomas felt that a laparoscopic surgery would be the remedy to my problem. The surgery consisted of removal of the scar tissue and fibroids.
The surgery went well and my period became tolerable again. Unfortunately, four years later the symptoms returned. This time it seemed as if it came back with vengeance. During my menstrual cycle cramps would appear out of nowhere. I would be just fine then a sharp pain would hit without warning. It almost felt like hard punch in the stomach. I would wear tampons and pads and still soak through them both in record time. Blood stains in sheets, cloths and chairs were a common occurrence. By this time I was living in California and could not get back to Dr. Thomas.
I tried to ignore the signs, but something in my spirit kept telling me, something is wrong you better get it checked out. Well after turning 30 and being unmarried I was beginning to fear if I could have kids. So I went to a fertility doctor to make sure everything was working properly. Dr. Kumar was warm and friendly and seemed like a good match for me. The doctor wanted to do a vaginal ultrasound…..again and a dye test. The dye test consisted of the doctor shooting dye into my fallopian tubes to make sure there was no blockage. After the tests were performed the Dr. Kumar told me that I had severe blockage in my fallopian tubes, a cyst on my right ovary and that my scar tissue had returned.
Dr. Kumar looked me in the eye and said “It would be very unlikely that you will be able to have children naturally. The best thing to do is to remove the scar tissue, the ovary, and both tubes. Invitro would be the way to go for a person with your condition.” I sat there with a crazy grin on my face, nodding up and down trying to look very intelligent. I told him I would think about what he said. I calmly walked out of his office, but broke down in tears while walking out of the building. As a matter of fact, I did not make it to my car; I sat down on the curb and just cried until no more tears would come.
*** Check back Weds evening for part 2
1 comment:
I am going through something very similar right now with fibroids that were found on a CT after my sever car accident earlier this year, and I am very scared of what the ultimate outcome is going to be..... at least I know there are other folks out there going through the same thing I am .
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