Wednesday, December 1, 2010

World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS day and I feel sad. I feel sad because so many people are suffering from a preventable disease. I remember when AIDS first came on the scene in the early 80’s. I don’t know which was more frightening…. AIDS or the crack epidemic. Both had hit at the same time, initially AIDS was thought to be a white gay mans disease. Needless to say many people in the black community ignored the disease and thought it would never be a problem for them. Fast forward 20 years and AIDS are taking many black lives. With all the medical advances with AIDS people don’t feel scared of AIDS… it’s a “livable” illness. But it is also a preventable illness. I will not lie, there have been times when I was irresponsible with my sexual health. I have had unprotected sex more times than I can count…and if I contracted the disease it would have been MY fault, because in the end each person is responsible for protecting their own bodies. In this era the claps is a thing of the past… penicillin is no longer a cure all. AIDS medication is serious and has some horrible side effects. I know some people that take at least 21 pills a day, some lose their hair, have constant yeast infections, kidney damage and a great deal of toxins in their body due to all the medication. Not to mention that the medication is expensive as hell… insurance only covers a portion of the prescription. My plea to you is to get tested at least once a year. Know your status and protect yourself.

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