Tuesday, July 7, 2009

No One Escapes

In recent years I’ve had the unfortunate task of attending the funeral of many family members. I’ve attended the funerals of my father, brother, nephew, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, and two uncles. I was very close to all my family members and it was with great pain that I watched their bodies be lowered into the ground. This Thursday I lost another aunt, Aunt Shirley passed away in her sleep early Thursday morning. My aunt called me a 4:30 am to tell me she was gone and I just felt empty. I laid there and tried to think of ways to escape the feeling that was brewing inside of me, but because I experienced it so many times before I knew I had to just let my feelings out.

No mater how many people around me die, I never get use to it. It always knocks the wind out of my sails. I can never get accustomed to the people I love leaving this earth. Death’s sting always hurt! As I get older I begin to think of my own mortality and how fragile life really is. I start to think about what my funeral will be like, how my death will affect the people around me and what I want to leave as a legacy. One thing is for sure no one escapes death, it is promised to every living thing. Tomorrow is not promised, we never know when our time is coming.

I have a weird thing I do when some passes, I pray for their spirit. I pray that their spirit finds God and peace. The night before my Aunt Shirley passed she spoke with her son on the phone and seemed in pretty good shape. No one was prepared for her to die 5 hours later. The same could be said about MJ, he practiced his dance moves, sold his concert tickets, passed a health exam and was ready to turn London out….but he died before all that could take place. As you can see from the out pouring of fans….no one was prepared. Life is meant to be lived, lived in away the produces joy and happiness. If something or someone in your life is causing you grief and bring you down on a constant basis it may be time to extract that person from your life. If you are tired of your situation, be it financial or otherwise it’s time to change it.

People we only get one shot at this life thing, there is on sense in being unhappy for most of it. We never know when God will send his angel to collect his child(ren), live your life fully and completely, do what makes you happy, invite joy into your life. Because remember no one escapes it.

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